

Towards Evenings: My Heart
Galleri Image,奥胡斯,丹麦
Galleri Image, Aarhus, Denmark
策展人 Curator:何伊宁 He Yining
陈哲的《向晚六章》(2012 至今)是一次探寻黄昏的主题漫游,创作时间迄今已跨越十年。值此特殊的时间节点,丹麦奥胡斯 Galleri Image 美术馆将于 10 月 21 起展出该项目的部分作品。这也是《向晚六章》在欧洲的首次呈现。
陈哲 CHEN Zhe,唯一的问题是如何度过:沉浸 The Only Question is How to Endure: Immersing,2017,金属架,收藏级喷墨照片裱于铝板和玻璃,文字 metal shelves, archival inkjet prints mounted on aluminum sheets and glass, text,180×180×10(h) cm
陈哲 CHEN Zhe,唯一的问题是如何度过:抗阻 The Only Question is How to Endure: Resisting,2017,金属架,收藏级喷墨照片裱于铝板和玻璃,文字 met。
al shelves, archival inkjet prints mounted on aluminum sheets and glass, text,180×180×10(h) cm
For the first time in Europe, the exhibition will present selected works from CHEN Zhe’s Towards Evenings,an ongoing quest for the nebulous space between day and night, light and twilight, the known and the unknown, spanning 10 years from 2012 to the present.
With a particular focus on the tension between reading and viewing, the series draws inspiration from literary and visual materials across time and cultures. While the chapters stand independently, they also interact with each other and constitute a network of human experiences that center on the intricate and transient time of the dusk. Three of the six chapters in this series are already in progress: “The Uneven Time(非均质的时间)”, “Nightfall Disquiet(向晚意不适)”, and “The Red Cocoon(赤之茧)”. In these chapters, Chen Zhe explores the visual and linguistic textuality of the temporality of dusk, the unsettling body-mind experience that the dusk brings, and the irreconcilable conflict between freedom and belonging at the magic hour.
陈哲 CHEN Zhe,关于 891 次黄昏心灵活动的百科全书 891 Dusks: An Encyclopedia of Psychological Experiences,2017-2020。印金皮面书,文稿,声音,椭圆形灯光装置 leather bound book with gold embossing, text panels, sound, oval light installation,书籍 book: 25.8×36.8×4.4(h) cm,声音 sound: 8’,循环播放 loop。The Chinese phrase xiangwan 向晚 (“towards evening”) refers to the time when the sun is about to set. It not only alludes to uncertainty and transience but also appears in classical poetry as a metaphor for decline and an expression of melancholy. In this carefully selected space, we invite the viewer to join us in a dialogue between text and image, time, and space, and to step into the "synchronic" universe constructed by the artist, where a constant dialogue between body-mind-spirit takes place. [1] According to Chinese philosopher Zhao Tingyang, “Time, although one-dimensional, is elastic, able to open up and’synchronically’ contain a multitude of objects, so that synchronicity can explain the inherent spatiality of the non-spatiality that time opens up. However, it is not an actual extension but a logical spatiality but is sufficient to explain how a world without extension can exist in consciousness.
The exhibition is supported by the Danish Art Foundation, the Augustinus Foundation, and the S. C. Van Foundation.
陈哲 CHEN Zhe,理解一首里尔克的诗 Study of a Poem by Rainer Maria Rilke,收藏级喷墨图像,手书 archival pigmented prints with handwritings,45×85 cm 每件 each,共 3 件 set of 3。展览现场,未有名目的言说,上海当代艺术博物馆,上海,中国,2021。图片致谢上海当代艺术博物馆 Installation view, The Dwelling Place of the Other in Me, Power Station of Art, Shanghai, China, 2021. Courtesy of PSA。展览活动 Events。本次展览将伴随着艺术家和策展人的演讲,以及小组讨论和参观。以展览为契机,奥胡斯 Galleri Image 美术馆计划邀请陈哲参与艺术家驻留活动,委任她进行新的公共艺术创作。
The exhibition will be accompanied by presentations with the artist and curator as well as panel discussions and tours. In connection with the exhibition, we invited Chen Zhe to an artist residency in hopes of realizing a public sculpture.
关于 Galleri Image
Galleri Image 成立于 1977 年,是斯堪的纳维亚半岛第一家公共摄影美术馆,多年来一直是丹麦唯一一家该类美术馆。自创立之日起,Galleri Image 作为一个非营利性的展览空间获得了国际声誉,为摄影作为一种独立的艺术形式的认可做出了重大贡献。
何伊宁(b.1986)是一位活跃在全球影像艺术领域的研究者与策展人。她目前的学术研究围绕 2008 后中国当代艺术实践中的去殖民性(decoloniality)所展开,考察艺术家个人经验、全球地缘政治互动与解殖艺术话语之间的联系。在策展方面,何伊宁擅长挖掘当下全球具有挑战性的视觉艺术实践,并将其编织在政治与文化的双重视野下。她曾在中国和欧洲策划过大型群展,也是第三届北京国际摄影双年展(2018)的联合策展人之一;同年成为“OCAT 研究中心第一届”2018 研究型展览策展计划”的优胜者,并凭借该研究项目的终展”记忆寓所”获得第十四届 AAC 艺术中国年度策展人提名奖。
陈哲,1989 年生于北京,毕业于洛杉矶艺术中心设计学院,获摄影与图像学士学位。近年作品展出于利勒哈默尔美术馆,挪威;UCCA 沙丘美术馆,秦皇岛;横滨三年展,日本;Plug In ICA,加拿大;明当代美术馆,上海;巴登巴登国立美术馆,德国;白兔美术馆,澳大利亚;第 9 届亚太当代艺术三年展,澳大利亚;东京都写真美术馆,日本;Para Site 艺术空间,香港;OCAT 当代艺术中心,深圳;广州影像三年展,广州;安仁双年展,成都;中央美术学院美术馆,北京;第 11 届上海双年展,上海;民生现代美术馆,上海;多伦多大学艺术中心,加拿大;尤伦斯当代艺术中心,北京;Fotohof,奥地利;三影堂摄影艺术中心,北京等。
陈哲曾获赏玛格南基金会颁发的 Inge Morath 奖,三影堂摄影奖,连州摄影节新摄影奖,无忌新锐摄影奖和 FOAM Talent 摄影奖,并受邀参与法国 ARTE 电视台纪录片《镜头下的中国》和日本 NHK 电视台纪录片《青年摄影师眼中的中国》。她的出版物《蜜蜂&可承受的》获得卡塞尔摄影书节 2016 年度摄影书奖。
画廊开放时间 Opening hours :周二-周日 TUE-SUN10:00-18:00
空白空间 | 草场地:北京市朝阳区机场辅路草场地 255 号
空白空间 | 顺义:北京市顺义区金航东路 3 号院 D7 栋 1 层
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