

Futurism of the Past - Contemplating the Past and Future in Chinese Contemporary Art
Inaugural Exhibition of the Culture and Art Hub of Beijing Exhibition Center | Beijing Contemporary Art Expo 2021,STORY
Beijing Exhibition Center, Beijing, China
2021.6.15 - 8.31
高磊 GAO Lei,神圣人-遗迹 Homo Sacer-Relic,2019,铝板,透明树脂,纱网 aluminum plate, transparent resin, screen mesh,152×114×5 cm
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“Homo-Sacer – Relic” is the final piece of the “Homo Sacer” series, which completely removes any trace of the human civilization (what Agamben refers to as the naked life, and the state machine that captures it) the main subject of the previous works, leaving only the scars and relics of the previous existence, while the vast and infinite natural landscape simulated by the transparent resin mixed with industrial gauze becomes the eternal subject here.
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高磊 GAO Lei,登月 万物的签名 Lunar Landing The Signature of All Things,2020,高强度混凝土 high-strength concrete,30cm(d), 6-10(h) cm each
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This project presents a way of eternalizing everyday objects; it fictionalizes a virtual moon landing that sends various everyday objects to the surface of the "moon" as an attempt to occupy the planet. In other words, the monumental framework of settling on the "moon" attributes these objects a sense of sacredness.
The work transforms the data of the lunar landscape to make a mold using 3D printing, then integrates different everyday objects to the pieces that engender Georges Méliès-style moon landing, and eventually cast the work in concrete. Here, the magnificent and the insignificant, the sacred and the quotidian, the soul and flesh become one. The everyday objects seem to untether from the gravity and worldly meaning and transform into silent sacred objects, unsigned in another temporal and spatial dimension.
As Giorgio Agamben stated in The Signature of All Things, "The extinction of signature theory repeats the extinction of the Trinity: just as God can only conceive and give form to all things through words, the signature, as a model of creation and an instrument of effectiveness, makes the silent symbol of creation in which it resides, effective and expressive."
简策 Ce JIAN,Sentinel (1),2017,布面丙烯,喷漆,马克笔,粉笔,蜡笔 acrylic, spray paint, marker, crayon, oil crayon on canvas,230×200 cm
这些有关古怪、超自然战斗机器的变形绘画,似乎竭力地进入观者的空间中,并同时消解进抽象并融入背景当中。始自文艺复兴的传统技术与 VR 游戏技术的动态视觉体验相融合。它们令人困惑的视角挑战了观众由前方观看静态图像的习惯,其方法是让观众在展览空间中搜寻合适的“视点”的方式。大部分的情况下,这些遮蔽的位置是在柱体的后面或者在拐角处——由此,以一种讽刺的方式在模拟空间中重演了当下炙手可热的虚拟交互游戏体验。
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These anamorphous paintings of bizarre, hyperphysical combat robots seem to reach aggressively into the viewer space, while simultaneously dissolving into abstract pieces and blending with the background. The traditional technique from the Renaissance is combined with the dynamic visual experience of VR game technology. Their confusing perspectives challenge the audience's habitual ways of looking frontally at a static painting by letting people search for a fitting 'point of view' in the exhibition space, which is mostly a covered position behind a column or around a corner – an ironic reenactment of the hyped virtual interactive gaming experience in analogue space.
简策 Ce JIAN,Sentinel (2),2017,布面丙烯,油漆,马克笔,粉笔,蜡笔 acrylic, enamel, marker, crayon, oil crayon on canvas,230×200 cm
简策 2020
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My art practice, which until now has mainly focused on painting, drawing, and installation, revolves around visual traditions and the cultural knowledge they represent in an interdisciplinary context. Image forms, concepts, and techniques where the lines between art and non-art are blurred and where the functions of a visual practice stand in contrast to its aesthetics are what fascinate me the most.
Learning and deriving from art history, my works want to address those questions with the means that painting offers me: How do we process and explain the world with techno-visual methods? How do image traditions carry over to the digitalized present and how can painting engage with these new phenomena, acting as an instrument of knowledge and discourse, but also a personal, subjective and (to a certain extent) uncontrollable voice? How can painting enter a dialogue with new technologies involving computer vision, image analysis and optimization?
As a Chinese-born German artist who works between Europe and Asia I am keenly aware of cultural differences. And yet, I feel that the digital culture has minimized the distance that prevailed between East and West throughout art history. For my own artistic progress, being open to all sides and exploring other possibilities, such as video or painting & virtuality, is much more important than discussing cultural identities. Technology reflects cultural issues beyond a personal story, and current globalized technologies affect us all.
Ce JIAN 2020
画廊开放时间 Opening hours :
周二-周日 TUE-SUN 10:00-18:00
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