行 Crawl,2
019,行为,日本、德国、意大利、中国 performance, Japan, Germany, Italy, China,三频录像(彩色,有声)three-channel video (color, sound),25'03",22'49",19'56"
残缺的身体 The Incomplete Body,2019,行为及图像文献 performance and documentation
珊瑚 Coral,2019,行为,金之岛,马来西亚 performance, Dinawan, Malaysi
单频录像(彩色,无声)single channel video (color, silence),4'30"
童文敏,1989 年生于中国重庆。2012 年毕业于四川美术学院油画系。获得华宇青年奖评委会大奖(2018)、第八届新星星艺术奖第一等奖 (2017)、中国行为艺术文献展评选嘉许艺术家(2016)。近期的主要个展包括:祖母绿,空白空间,北京,中国,2019;规训的逃逸,千高原艺术空间,成都,中国,2019;树梢之上,器· Haus 空间,重庆,中国,2018。近期群展包括:“声名狼藉者”及其不可解的存在方式,上海当代艺术博物馆,上海,中国,2019;漫游者之歌,空白空间,北京,中国,2019;不明的风景:亚洲酒店计划 2018,BARRAK,冲绳,日本,2018;蓝顶美术馆馆际交流项目展:变,华莱士画廊,莫林斯维尔,新西兰,2018;回应-国际行为艺术节和会议,东京;福岛,日本,2018;杨健和童文敏,Atelier am Eck,杜塞尔多夫,德国,2018;第十一届以色列 ZAZ 国际行为艺术节,Petach Tikva 美术馆,表演艺术平台,特拉维夫,以色列,2016;INTERAKCJE-第17届国际艺术节,Interakcje,彼得库夫特雷布纳尔斯基,波兰,2015;以身观身:2015 中国行为艺术文献展,旧法院大楼,澳门,中国,2015。童文敏现工作生活于重庆。
树根 Tree Root,2019,行为,金之岛,马来西亚 performance, Dinawan, Malaysia,单频录像(彩色,有声)single channel video (color, sound),11'48"
White Space Beijing is pleased to present
, the first solo exhibition of work by artist Tong Wenmin with the gallery. The show will run from November 2, 2019 until January 18, 2020.
Tong Wenmin's work often focuses on the intersection between individual perception and the external environment, stimulating visual poetry and inspiring action through behaviors that at first seem counter-intuitive. Through often simplified or regulated movements, her work hints at the allegorical character of the body and action within a semantically rich context.
Inspired by primitive jungle legends described by the French anthropologist Levi Strauss, the exhibition
starts with a seemingly absurd story about a grandmother and grandson, exploring the ethical relationship between humans and nature, and its inversion.
Using self-discipline as a basic method throughout her travels, Tong Wenmin adapts to local conditions and uses materials found locally, bringing body and consciousness into a world of mutual sympathy. The work
comes from the artist's experiences in Fukushima and other places. Tong Wenmin connects dry tree limbs to her own and touches the ground, transforming into an elf-like form combining both the animal and vegetal. In different urban and creative spaces, she moves slowly and laboriously, as if passing through a dense forest.
The Incomplete Body
(performance painting and photography), the artist "binds herself" with limited physical mobility. Spending nine hours a day over the course of five days, she paints an image parallel to the state of her mind and body on a 4.5 × 4.5 meter long sheet of paper that has been laid on the ground.
however, Tong Wenmin abandons active control of the body by the consciousness, instead being manipulated and dragged along by the flow of the tide and the waves… In these works, the artist does not presuppose any kind of dogma or moral principle. Rather, by taking personal transcendental action, she tries to recapture and interpret the animal-like and even plant-like perceptual instinct hidden within the human body and spirit. By limiting bodily postures and boundaries of action, the artist seeks to identify ambiguous areas of experience, thereby reexamining and forming new understandings of the connection between humans and nature.
章鱼 Octopus,2019,行为,金之岛,马来西亚 performance, Dinawan, Malaysia,单频录像(彩色,有声)single channel video (color, sound),29'38"
Tong Wenmin (b. 1989, Chongqing, China) received her BFA at Sichuan Fine Arts Institute in 2012. She won the Grand Jury Prize of Huayu Youth Award in 2018, the First Prize of the 8
New Star Art Award by Deji Art Museum in 2018, the Accolade Artist by Documentaries of Chinese Performance Art in 2016. Her recent solo exhibitions include
, WHITE SPACE BEIJING, Beijing, China, 2019;
Escape from Discipline
, Thousand Plateau Art Space, Chengdu, China, 2019;
Above The Tree
, Organ Haus Art Space, Chongqing, China, 2017. Recent group exhibitions include
Sunset on a Dead End: The Notorious and Their Inexplicable Modes of Existence
, Power Station of Art (PSA), Shanghai, China, 2019;
A White Space Odyssey
, WHITE SPACE BEIJING, Beijing, China, 2019;
Unidentified Landscape: Hotel Asia Project 2018
, BARRAK, Okinawa, Japan, 2018;
Shift: Blue Roof Museum Exchange Exhibition
, Wallace Gallery Morrinsvlle, Morrinsvlle, New Zealand, 2018;
International Performance Art Festival and Meeting 2018, Fukushima, Tokyo Japan, 2018; Yang Jian und Tong Wenmin, Atelier am Eck, Düsseldorf, Germany, 2018;
The 11th ZAZ International Performance Art Festiv
, Petach Tikva Museum of Art; Performance Art Platform, Tel Aviv, Israel, 2016;
Thirty Years of Body Art Performance Happening Project Art Documents of China
, Beijing Minsheng Art Museum, Beijing, China, 2016; XVII-International Art Festival, Interakcje, Piotrkow Trybunalski , Poland, 2015. Tong Wenmin currently works and lives in Chongqing.
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