
2021/07/05 16:09:33
The Tianjin TEDA Community Development is based on some key principals used in the planning of small New England towns. The unique character of these timeless and picturesque communities can be incorporated into the Tianjin TEDA Development to give it that timeless quality with the appearance of mature growth over an extended period of time.
镇中心 Town Center 为市民创造一个集购物、贸易、资讯交流于一体的标志性场所。镇中心通常与重要城市建筑紧密相联系,如图书馆、市政、百货店、餐馆和宗教场所。
Creating a civic open space that is used as the symbolic meeting place of residents for market activities, exchanging of goods, information and ideas. Typically the town center is lined by important civic buildings such as libraries, a town hall, retail establishments, restaurants and places of worship.
Main Street
Apart from the Town Center, the primary overall organizing element of the development will be the north/south axis of the Main Street. This will be the main commercial thoroughfare and the organizing line from which all other squares, nodes and secondary streets are connected and intersected. The street will be broad enough to accommodate multiple lanes of proposed vehicular traffic including mass transit and bicycles. Wide, uniquely paved sidewalks with large mature trees will be incorporated along with distinctive street furnishings such as benches, bollards and light posts.
Axial focus
At one end of the town center is typically located a building of unique importance that all other structures are organized around. In most cases this building is a place of worship and holds the moral and spiritual ideals and aspirations as the focus of the community.
空间感 Sense of Space
The town center space must be uniquely designed to the specific needs of each individual community to reflect that particular neighborhoods ideals. The space can be a landscaped green open area lined with trees and lush landscaping with meandering paths, water elements and places for respite. Or the design can be more urban with unique and interesting paving patterns and places for organized activities and performances. In either case, the dimensions of sidewalks, streets, paving materials, opportunities for a variety of activities, lighting, street furniture and pedestrian scale must all be taken into careful consideration.
Sense of Scale
镇中心应让人感到便于抵达,并与临近社区成为一体。因此,建筑尺度非常重要,不能让在空间上让规划的开敞空间有压迫之感。建筑高度一般控制在 2 到 4 层。尺度控制元素,例如凉蓬、雨蓬、骑楼、小树木和长凳,都为行人从竖向的建筑物到水平的开敞空间提供了积极的过渡空间。各空间必须尽量接受阳光照射,而不受高层建筑物阴影的影响。
The town center should feel accessible, approachable and integrated to the immediate community. In this regard, the scale of buildings is crucial in order to not overwhelm the planned open space. Building heights are generally limited to two to four stories. Scaling elements such as awnings, canopies, arcades, small trees and benches all provide an active transition for pedestrians from the vertical building forms to the horizontal open space. Natural sunlight must fill the space and be devoid of tall building shadows as much as possible.
街墙 Street Walls
The lower scaled buildings within the center will uniquely form street walls including traditionally pitched roofs and proportions. Significant buildings such as the focal buildings within the town center will by specially design to reflect their importance. The taller towers will typically incorporate flat roofs.
Interconnected Green Nodes
The feeling of the town center can be extended throughout the development by creating “green nodes”. Each of these green nodes will have its own identifiable character to help distinguish it from other neighborhood blocks. In this way, the separate development areas can maintain a neighborhood focus important to that “small town” feel. Additionally, all the nodes can be linked with landscaped pedestrian paths directly to the town center thereby creating a looped park-like pedestrian path.
城镇边缘 Urban edge 应将较低尺度的邻里中心围合的建筑与周边较高的住宅建筑区分开来。将较高的建筑置于城镇周边,可为内部的社区营造出一种围合而安全的感觉。
A distinction should be made between the enclosed lower scaled buildings of the neighborhood center and the taller urban residential buildings at the perimeter. By placing the taller buildings on the urban perimeter a sense of enclosure and protection is created for the inner community.
建筑材料 Materials 建筑材料通过各种色彩和质地,营造颇有渊源的建筑形象。应精心斟酌砖、石材、木料和金属面板等材料的使用。
Building materials will include a variety of colors and textures to give the impression of being built over time. Brick, stone, wood, glass and metal panel will all be carefully considered.
项目名称:泰达 MSD 高尚住区项目
占地面积:273,058 平方米
设计面积:417,778.74 平方米
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