

瓦吉科·恰齐亚尼(Vajiko Chachkhiani)在空白空间的首次个展“指头,拳头,吮拇指”(Finger, Fist, and Thumb Sucking)
)已于顺义空间开幕,展览将持续至 10 月 27 日(周四)。欢迎来访。
Vajiko Chachkhiani’s first solo exhibition, "Finger, Fist, and Thumb Sucking" at White Space, has opened and will run through Oct 27 (Thur), 2022, at the Shunyi location. Welcome to visit.
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The First Possessions
Not-Me Possession
are a series of large owl-like and bird-like sculptures whose playful forms and expressions mix joy and surprise, their uncanny mouths, and eyes wide open to form long passages as if inviting children to explore them.The "first possession" comes from the child’s discovery in play rather than being given or imposed. Such findings and choices made by the individual child also mark their first creative and artistic experience.
不要做这与不要做那 Don’t Do This and Don’t Do That,2022,不锈钢,弹簧,铁链,花岗岩 stainless steel, spring, chain, granite,136×97×175(h) cm。如果说对于玩具和游戏方式的选择代表了孩童的自由意志以及他们与外部世界建立联系的方式,那么反向而论,成人对于玩具和游戏的控制本身亦可成为了对孩子的规训方式。散落在展厅其间的动物型摇椅雕塑《做这与做那》(Do This and Do That)、《不要做这与不要做那》(Don’t Do This and Don’t Do That)等则将展览的讨论延伸至系统性的教育、文化等对孩童成长的影响。⇨ swipe for English。
工人和他的影子 Worker and HisShadow,2022,纸上马克笔 marker on paper,29.5×36.8 cm,装裱尺寸 framed: 32.7×40 cm
玩玩具有时不仅和个体有关,更是一种群体性的行为乃至竞赛活动。在系列雕塑作品《我们在一起而你不在》(We Are in The Circle But You Aren’t)中,艺术家对儿童暴力、霸凌行为的来源,及其天然性与习得性展开探讨。作品周身涂满的蓝色马克笔笔触如夜雨般倾泻而下,使得孩子们看起来安静、沉默而疏离。形如月牙的火焰内心则暗指戈雅的绘画《女巫的安息日》(Witches’ Sabbath),暗示政治、宗教、资本等对人的利用,以及人内心的恐惧。
在展览的第二部分,艺术家以影片《冬日暖阳》(The Warm Winter Sun)探讨童年经验、个体与群体记忆、创伤等与成年个体的关联。影片中,中年男子重返乡间的童年居所,经过短暂思忖,男子将房子付之一炬,以这场决绝的仪式向着过往的一切告别。然而,这摧毁般的行为是否能真正使他实现自我和解而重获心灵自由,又或者这一行为只不过再次强化了过往的创伤?在男子转身离去之后,那些于灰烬中存留的,将与他永远同在。⇨ swipe for English In the second part of the exhibition, the artist explores the connection between childhood experiences, individual and collective memories, trauma, and the adult individual with the film, The Warm Winter Sun. The piece portrays a middle-aged man returning to his childhood home in the countryside, after a brief reflection, he burns down the house to the ground, a powerful ritual of bidding farewell to the past. However, does such a destructive act allow for self-reconciliation and regaining freedom, or does it re-enforce past wounds? After the man leaves, the ashes will nevertheless remain with him forever.
画廊开放时间 Opening hours :周二-周日 TUE-SUN10:00-18:00
空白空间 | 草场地 北京市朝阳区机场辅路草场地 255 号
空白空间 | 顺义 北京市顺义区金航东路 3 号院 D7 栋 1 层
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